great time for the bachelor party. We showed up a little late and Guss was there ready to be our reff. He was a lot of fun, and kept it interesting with new games each time. Once our private group time was up, we joined open play and had a great time with other groups out there. They mix up the rental guns with electronic gun players so each team is fair. We stayed until the last match we had so much fun. They even let us brink a lot of beer!! This place is a very good time. Its just too bad their field selection did NOT match their listings online. We wanted to play capture the castle. I guess the swamps are taking over certain parts..
great time for the bachelor party. We showed up a little late and Guss was there ready to be our reff. He was a lot of fun, and kept it interesting with new games each time. Once our private group time was up, we joined open play and had a great time with other groups out there. They mix up the rental guns with electronic gun players so each team is fair. We stayed until the last match we had so much fun. They even let us brink a lot of beer!! This place is a very good time. Its just too bad their field selection did NOT match their listings online. We wanted to play capture the castle. I guess the swamps are taking over certain parts..