NHCC is not a conducive learning environment for black people especially those in the nursing program. The instructors intentionally set you up to fail and assume you don’t know what you are doing. It is sad that the administration knows about it and not willing to do anything about it. If you are a black person and especially if you have an accent, go somewhere else, somewhere you are welcomed but NHCC is not that place. Talk about witch hunt, the instructors are very good at it.
NHCC is not a conducive learning environment for black people especially those in the nursing program. The instructors intentionally set you up to fail and assume you don’t know what you are doing. It is sad that the administration knows about it and not willing to do anything about it. If you are a black person and especially if you have an accent, go somewhere else, somewhere you are welcomed but NHCC is not that place. Talk about witch hunt, the instructors are very good at it.